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The Agenda 30 – Meet the women redefining business in 2018

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Women’s Agenda

Dr Kirstin Ferguson is a well-recognised, independent non-executive director on a number of ASX 200 boards and government boards. She is also the mastermind behind the inspirational #CelebratingWomen campaign, that ran all through 2017.

Kirstin’s objective for starting #CelebratingWomen was simple: share the stories of all women, everywhere, doing amazing things. The women profiled by Kirstin are not typically household names but are entirely worthy of recognition.

“My leadership journey is very much focused on helping to develop other leaders, particularly women, and encouraging them to focus on understanding the impact they have on others in order to be the most effective leader they can be,” she says.

In 2018, Kirstin looks forward to continuing the movement of positivity and propelling the #CelebratingWomen campaign to new heights.

“My plans for 2018 are to continue to try and have a positive impact on the people around me, the organisations I am involved with and in the community at large,” she says. “I love my work as a professional company director, so professionally will be focusing on my various board commitments. I am also excited to have teamed up with Catherine Fox to write a book on #CelebratingWomen, and more generally on women supporting women, which will be published later in the year.”

While Kirstin is focussed and committed to creating positive change, she’s also concerned about the status quo for women in Australia and knows we still have a long way to go.

“Amongst the many inequalities facing women in terms of rates of women on boards, or the number of women in the leadership pipeline, the most immediate issue I would like to see fixed is the gender pay gap,” she says. “Not only is it just simply wrong that women doing the same work should not be paid the same as men, it reduces women’s ability to achieve financial independence.”

As a board director for various organisations, Kirstin is passionate about company culture and how this impacts a business’s overall worth. She’s committed to helping organisations create the best working environments for growth and future success. “Strong governance underpins strong corporate cultures and I see boards playing a crucial role in ensuring that the purpose and strategy of an organisation is driving the correct behaviours,” she says.

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International keynote speaker

Kirstin is a highly sought after keynote speaker who has opened dozens of conferences and events across Australia and NZ, as well as around the world.

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