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Impact Loop Archive

An apology ... and a request for help!

It has been a while … how have you been!?... Read more

An admission....

I woke up at 3.30am this morning with a jolt.... Read more

What kind of meeting do you really need?

Modern leaders understand traditional ways of meeting and tools we have always used have a place, but they are no... Read more

How empathy became a bottom-line value at Microsoft

The appointment of Satya Nadella as Microsoft CEO marked a clear shift to modern leadership in the corporate world.... Read more

When feedback gets rejected

I received a request from an Impact Loop reader about how to best approach a situation where a team member... Read more

We need to get more curious about curiosity

22,000 people from around the world have now taken the Head & Heart Leader Scale (if you haven’t done so... Read more

Can I give you some feedback? (Part 3 - After the session)

In this final in the series on feedback, we will look at some ideas to think about after a feedback... Read more

Can I give you some feedback? (Part 2 - During the session)

In last week’s Impact Loop we looked at issues to consider before you give someone feedback.... Read more

Can I give you some feedback? (Part 1 - Before the session)

For many, the phrase ‘Can I offer you some feedback?’ is the brain’s equivalent of footsteps in the night and... Read more

Leading with a growth mindset

Having a growth mindset is critical for modern leaders.... Read more

Trigger alert

We are all susceptible to being triggered and having, what has been coined by Daniel Goleman, as an emotional hijack.... Read more

Reading a room like a grandmaster reads a chess board

Adrian de Groot was a frustrated amateur chess player.... Read more

Be curious, not judgemental

What is the ‘guilty pleasure’ you can’t get enough of when you watch television?... Read more

New Year, New You. Or is it?

There is always so much talk this time of year about New Year resolutions and what we might do differently... Read more

Thinking about 2023... and the year to come

This week’s edition of Impact Loop is a little different; it is the final edition for 2023 and I thought... Read more

Leading through visibility

There is widespread recognition that simply managing people to undertake tasks is not leadership.... Read more

Strength through vulnerability

Being vulnerable helps build strong, meaningful relationships with the people around us.... Read more

Humanity And Humility

Understanding that work is an innate part of being human is critically important for modern leaders and explains why some... Read more

Enlarging Our Perspective

Leading with perspective is how we interpret or assign meaning to the events, stimulus, data and situations we encounter every... Read more

Talking Ourselves Out Of Fear

Leaders with a growth mindset embrace challenges and persist, even when things get tough.... Read more

Kirstin Ferguson is an award-winning leadership expert, author, columnist and company director.
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