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Home | Got a Minute | Annual leave and holidays | No. 156 – The toxic positivity in my workplace is driving me up the wall. What can I do?

No. 156 – The toxic positivity in my workplace is driving me up the wall. What can I do?

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22 May 2024

Each week, Dr Kirstin Ferguson tackles questions on the workplace, career and leadership in her advice column “Got a Minute?” This week: a workplace where complaining is not allowed, a lack of public holidays and a disappointing promotion.

My manager has created a workplace culture of toxic positivity. I feel like I am being gaslit unless I’m spouting positivity regardless of what is going on with my job and in my workplace. What can I do?

The research is clear that toxic positivity – which demands happiness and denies other emotions – can trigger shame, impact connection with others, reduce wellbeing and increase stress. Is your manager someone open to feedback? If so, in the first instance I would try talking to your manager about how you are feeling. You might be able to ask them for ways to support all employees and all aspects of the human experience.

I am sure your manager thinks they are being empathetic but may not be aware they are, in fact, failing to show empathy by minimising feelings different from their own. If your organisation has an EAP service, you can also try and access their services to help manage your own mental health. You might also like to pick up a copy of Whitney Goodman’s book called Toxic Positivity for further advice.

I work at a large manufacturing company and our contracts state we are to work five days per week and if there is a public holiday during the week, we need to take annual leave. This happens every time there are public holidays. When we complain our employer says, “If you don’t like it, there’s the door.” If we work on the public holidays, we are not paid any penalty rates. Is this legal?

Understanding the ins and outs of annual leave legalities is a job for an expert, so I asked Sarah Queenan, founder and managing director of Humanify HR Consulting to weigh in. In a nutshell, it all depends on the wording of the contract you are employed under. However, it does sound like from the information you’ve provided that your employer is potentially engaging in unlawful employment practices by not paying employees public holidays and instead requiring them to use annual leave.

In the first instance, Queenan recommends you raise your concerns with your employer, to give them an opportunity to correct this practice and comply with workplace laws. Your employer will hopefully be grateful to hear from you since it is better they rectify the issue now rather than respond to an investigation by Fair Work. The Fair Work Ombudsman also has some useful tools and resources on their website, to assist employees and employers to better understand their workplace rights and obligations, including on topics like public holidays.

Six months after my manager left the business, I was given their job. The duties appear the same, but the pay is less, even though I’m said to be doing a better job. I was to have a direct report, but this new person now reports to my manager instead of me. I now feel like this change is a bit career-limiting. There are reviews coming up, so I don’t want to rock the boat. At the same time, I feel a little bit disrespected. Any advice?

You need to have a good chat with your boss to get back on track and feel motivated by this opportunity. It is quite common for someone new in a role to be paid less than their predecessor. Regardless of how well you think you may be going, you are new to the role and have a lot to learn. If your employer uses salary bands to set your remuneration, they won’t want to put you at the top of the salary band straight away leaving nowhere to go. In terms of the direct report, it may be your boss doesn’t think you are ready to take on that responsibility just yet but has an idea in mind for when that might change.

My recommendation is asking for a meeting with your boss and preparing a list of questions you would like to discuss. You should ask for feedback on how you are going, what your boss might like to see more or less of, and what success looks like in the role. You can also ask when your boss would like to see you take on a direct report, and you can let them know you are looking forward to expanding your leadership responsibilities. Finally, you can ask about your remuneration and see what your boss might like to see from you to have your current remuneration reviewed.

To submit a question about work, careers or leadership, visit (you will not be asked to provide your name or any identifying information. Letters may be edited).

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