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21 February 2024
Each week, Dr Kirstin Ferguson tackles questions on the workplace, career and leadership in her advice column “Got a Minute?” This week: a disappointing pay increase, a contract that ended early and a shocking funeral request.
I hadn’t received a salary increase since 2019, until last week, when I received an increase of 10 per cent. I am grateful; however, the increase doesn’t account for wage inflation, and I don’t feel it’s rewarding me for my skill or the demands of the role. When the business recovered after COVID, my boss (who owns the business) paid themselves back pay and significantly increased their own remuneration, as they are entitled to. I know the business would be at a loss without me and that my boss can afford to pay me more. I like my job, but I don’t want to wait another year or two to receive a decent raise. Am I wrong to feel disappointed?
Five years is a long time to not receive a pay increase. The COVID disruption did cause financial issues for many businesses, although it sounds like, while your boss found a way to adjust their own pay, they didn’t do the same for employee salaries.
I think it is probably worth having a conversation with your boss, although I would not open the conversation with pay. Instead, I suggest using the opportunity to talk about what you contribute to the company, the value you feel you add and your aspirations for the future. Make sure you are both on the same page in that respect.
I would then explain how much you appreciate the recent recognition of a pay increase but also add, as objectively as possible, that because it has been five years since your last review, your remuneration is still well below you might have hoped at this point. Make sure you have any external data you can gather on market rates for your position. You should have in your mind a number that you think would be fair and appropriate for you to be paid, and then see whether your boss is open to a new arrangement once you have mutually agreed on the value you bring.
I accepted a two-year contract with a major government department covering for someone on maternity leave, but the woman on leave returned early, and so my contract finished early too. The contract allowed the department to do this without penalty, and I am now hesitant to take on more contract work. Do I have any recourse, and how do I prevent this happening again?
Given you have said your contract provided for it to be ended early by the department without financial penalty, it doesn’t sound like you do have any recourse. Unfortunately contract work is, by its nature, highly variable and means you really need to focus on the wording in your contract to protect your interests.
It may be worth getting some legal advice just to help you understand the key terms and provisions you want to make sure you include in your next contract role so that this doesn’t occur again or, if it does, you have protections in place.
My wife has held a significant role with a national franchise for the past two years. Unfortunately, her mother was diagnosed with a serious illness, which required multiple hospital visits before she sadly passed away. My wife was on approved personal and carers leave throughout the period. At the same time, my wife started working for a new manager who constantly emailed her about work.
A day before her mother’s funeral, the new manager rejected my wife’s leave – after it had already been approved – and demanded a death certificate to prove that the leave was necessary. My wife felt she was in an untenable position, and resigned. Is there a case for forced resignation through Fair Work?
My jaw is on the floor. It is hard to imagine distrusting someone so much – especially someone who this manager had only just started working with – to the extent you demand to see a death certificate the day before someone’s mother’s funeral. It is also hard to fathom that the new manager would even think to reverse leave which had already been approved (and there are plenty of questions about whether that would even be possible).
Ultimately, whether the treatment of your wife amounts to a case of forced resignation is another thing altogether. The Fair Work Commission offers advice as to what amounts to forced resignation, so she can contact them for further advice.
To submit a question about work, careers or leadership, visit kirstinferguson.com/ask (you will not be asked to provide your name or any identifying information. Letters may be edited).