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Female interviewer – Kylie Gillies:
Kirstin Ferguson is famous for creating #CelebratingWomen. Her social media campaign empowered females everywhere, and now she’s looking forward to doing it once again.
Male interviewer – Larry Emdur:
With Virtual International Women’s Day events happening right across Australia, this leadership powerhouse is set to inspire while addressing equality in a COVID-19 world.
Female interviewer – Kylie Gillies:
Dr. Kirstin Ferguson joins us live from the Sunshine Coast this morning. Welcome.
Interviewee – Kirstin Ferguson:
Thank you for having me.
Female interviewer – Kylie Gillies:
Let’s go back to your 2017 social media campaign, which was #CelebratingWomen. What was it that fueled your desire to start it?
Interviewee – Kirstin Ferguson:
Well, like many women, I was fed up. I was sick of seeing online denigration of women online, and I wanted to make my newsfeed just that bit more positive. I’ve always believed that every single woman is a role model to someone else and so I made a commitment to see if I could celebrate two women every single day from all walks of life and all over the world and by the end of the year, celebrated 757 women from 37 countries.
Male interviewer – Larry Emdur:
We love that message from your book, and it’s just one of them, there are so many, Women Kind, that every woman is a role model as you just said. We need you to expand on that a little bit.
Interviewee – Kirstin Ferguson:
Yeah. Well, I think we are all leaders, so it doesn’t matter what your formal title might be, whether you are leading your family. You might be leading a small business that you’re running out of your kitchen. You might be a leader in your community. You’re leading a big business or you might be leading the country. We all have an impact on those around us with our decisions and our words and our actions. We’re all role models to someone else, whether we realize it or not, and I think remembering that leadership is a craft. There’s an art to it. It’s not something you learn once and sit and forget. I think all of us can think about the impact that we’re having and remember the difference that we can make in others’ lives.
Female interviewer – Kylie Gillies:
Always evolving, right? Yeah. You have a PhD in leadership and culture, so more than equipped to speak to the theme of Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world. That’s a mouthful, but what can you briefly tell us about your talk at the International Women’s Day event, Kirstin?
Interviewee – Kirstin Ferguson:
Well, it’s been quite a week, as you can imagine, for women in Australia. Some of the things I thought I might talk about are, I’m rapidly rewriting my speech for tomorrow, but the message will be the same and it’s really reminding women that we are leaders that we need to see many, many more women in formal leadership roles, and we can reimagine how the discussions this week might have been different if we’d had gender equality even at our most highest levels. But we listened to women like Grace Tame yesterday at the National Press Club and you cannot help but realize leadership is absolutely everywhere.
Male interviewer – Larry Emdur:
Yeah. Hey, you’re a mom of two daughters, so this is really very, very close to your heart. What kind of future do you anticipate or do you want for them?
Interviewee – Kirstin Ferguson:
I am a mom of two daughters, but it shouldn’t matter whether or not I have children, obviously. For all children of the world, what I want for them, men and women, is for them to have a safe society where they can go to work and not be harassed or where they can walk home from a nightclub and not be attacked. I want them to be able to thrive because we all thrive if women thrive. I want everyone to be able to achieve what it is they want to achieve.
Female interviewer – Kylie Gillies:
Oh, it’s terrific. It’s a terrific-
Male interviewer – Larry Emdur:
[inaudible 00:03:14].
Female interviewer – Kylie Gillies:
… message and glad to hear it. So happy to announce that Channel Seven, Seven Network has partnered with UN Women for International Women’s Day, so I encourage everyone to get involved. It is a great message. Thank you so much, Kirstin.
Interviewee – Kirstin Ferguson:
Thank you.
Female interviewer – Kylie Gillies:
For details about all the virtual events, you can head to our website.
Male interviewer – Larry Emdur:
Great to talk to you today, Kirstin. Well, coming up for you here on The Morning-